Crazy Loop - Dan Balan Forum

Polskie Forum Crazy Loop'a i Dana Balana

#1 2009-02-05 15:17:37

 Dracool'ca Balan


Sk±d: Transylvania/Amityville :)
Zarejestrowany: 2008-11-11
Posty: 6196
Wiek:: 21 lat
Ulubiona piosenka Dana:: "Płatki łez" oraz "Do jutra"

"Nopti fara de somn".

Tekst piosenki:

Nimeni nu m-a-ntelesc,
C??nd am vrut sa fug departe-n
Lumea din povesti,
Vreau sa uit realitatea.

nimeni n-a-nteles
Ca unde-i viata-i napte.
Noaptea vreau sa uit realitatea

Nopti fara de somn,
Din nou,
Ma trezesc ??n lacrimi.
Fara tine mor,
Dar nu pot sa te prind,
Nu pot sa plec din noapte,
Nopti fara de somn,
?®ncerc sa re simt aproape.
C??nd ??ncep sa zbor,tu dispari.
Vreau sa te prind,
Dar ma ??nec ??n lacrimi

Nu pot sa m-acund
De priviri cu ochii umezi
Iansi am crescut
O iubire faranume
soparta m-n-nteles
Si-a zis sa plec ??n noapte
Noaptea nu mai simt realitatea.

Link na YouTube:

...:::"Darkness falls across the land. The midnite hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood ... Must stand and face the hounds of hell and rot inside a corpse's shell ... And though you fight to stay alive. Your body starts to shiver. For no mere mortal can resist. The evil of the THRILLER!":::...

King of Pop - Michael Jackson's "Thriller", text performed by Vincent Price.



#2 2009-04-15 19:02:43


Addicted to Dan

Zarejestrowany: 2009-01-29
Posty: 1477
Wiek:: 15 lat
Ulubiona piosenka Dana:: Justify Sex

Re: "Nopti fara de somn".

piosenka jest fajna i to takie extra DiscoMołdawiano jak to u mnie w domciu sie mówi



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